Tag Archives: learning

Reflecting on past CPD to design a new conference


Therapy Ideas Live

I was selected for the HCPC Continuing Professional Development audit, so I’ve been reflecting on how we apply what we learn to our therapy. As I put together my CPD “portfolio” I noticed some common features of the CPD that I’d found most useful. I’ve used these common features to make my new conference an effective learning experience.  Continue reading

I’m organising a conference about using person-centred techniques in speech therapy

therapy ideas live conference

I’m organising the Therapy Ideas Live Conference on 2 November 2015 in London. Speech and language therapists will practise person-centred techniques that help clients to meet their needs.

When I started working independently I looked for ways to continue developing my skills. Continue reading

Having a go when it might go wrong: what I learned from communicating on holiday


I’m on holiday in Tunisia! Travelling is a wonderful adventure, the food, architecture and landscape are exotic and exciting. Communication can be a challenge; although I’m a Speech and Language Therapist I’m not a natural linguist. My high school French is rusty and my Arabic skills stretch to hello & thank you, here in Tunisia I’m trying a total communication approach!

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